Outdoor First Aid A Practical Manual Essential Knowledge for Outdoor Enthusiasts
Télécharger Outdoor First Aid A Practical Manual Essential Knowledge for Outdoor Enthusiasts PDF Fichier - The great outdoors provides us with a playground and for some a place of work Whether you are a walker paraglider orienteer climber horse rider mountain biker or fell runner all outdoor activities carry inherent risks and dangers In an urban setting we rely on ambulance crews paramedics doctors and nurses to provide assistance and medical care when things go wrong This means the average person can get away with knowing surprisingly little first aid but remain fairly safe on a day to day basis However once you are in an outdoor location away from immediate help and assistance you need a different approach Evacuation will be necessary either selfevacuation or through the emergency services You will need to be able to administer first aid in awkward even dangerous places Limited resources mean that you have to be able adapt and improvise This book is geared specifically towards first aid in the UK outdoor sports scene
Details of Outdoor First Aid A Practical Manual Essential Knowledge for Outdoor Enthusiasts
Book's Title | Outdoor First Aid A Practical Manual Essential Knowledge for Outdoor Enthusiasts |
Author | Katherine Wills |
ISBN-10 | 1906095353 |
Category | Subjects |
Tags | Outdoor, Practical, Manual, Essential, Knowledge, Enthusiasts |
Customer's Rating | 3.8 stars of 5 from 79 Readers |
Filename | outdoor-first-aid-a-practical-manual-essential-knowledge-for-outdoor-enthusiasts.pdf |
Filesize | 21.74 MB (current server's speed is 20.02 Mbps |
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